Bauska is a small and charming town in southern Latvia, just 1 hour ride from capital city Riga (and 20 km from Lithuania's border). The city has an excellent natural setting - it's located on the shores of two rivers, part of the city is on valley, part - on the hill. Bauska has quite large historical district, as well as beautiful nature park around Bauska castle and hillfort, where both rivers flows into each other, making the third.
Bauska is easily accesible from Riga by international road Via Baltica which connects Tallinn, Riga and Kaunas and goes further to Poland. When you drive into Bauska from Riga side on Via Baltica, right after crossing the bridge over one of the rivers (Mēmele), the historical centre of the town reveals itself. To the left side from road (Kalna street), you can see Bauska Townhall square. The Townhall building itself is an iconic historical landmark, although it's not authentic, but similarly as House of Blackheads in Riga, built as a replica.
Historical district or Old Town of Bauska is layed out alongside Mēmele river, on the "valley" part of the town. They're basically two streets - Rīgas street and Plūdoņa street - which stretches around 1 km in lenght and offers both masonry and wooden buildings from 16th to 19th Century. The oldest landmark building is Bauska Holy Spirit Evangelic Lutheran church which was built in 1594 in Late Gothic style.
The greatest tourism asset of this city is Bauska castle and Bauska nature park around it. Nowadays the castle consists of two parts - the ruins of an earlier castle and a later palace that has gone through decades of renovations and now are finished. Bauska castle museum is one of the most visited museums in Latvia - about 170 000 people visit it every year that is nearly as much as Rundāle palace that is located about 10km from Bauska. Bauska nature park is a beautiful nature area which starts around Bauska castle. There you should visit a unique sight where two rivers - Mēmele and Mūsa - flow together, creating Lielupe river which later flows through Zemgale fields, cities of Jelgava and Jūrmala, before entering Riga Sea Gulf. The park offers multiple beautiful panorama viewpoints and many paths to walk around. Bauska nature park could be the most romantic place in Latvia that has been even written songs about.
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